Anointing of the Sick

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If you or someone you know is preparing for surgery or suffering with a serious illness, you are encouraged to receive the Anointing of the Sick to strengthen you. Those who are anointed feel supported and cared for in a special way with family and friends present.

The Pastor should be notified as soon as possible when a family member or friend becomes ill, is hospitalized or is in danger of death. It is good to call the priest at the onset of illness, prior to surgery and when the illness worsens. We rely on family and friends to inform the parish office when a loved one becomes seriously ill or is hospitalized so that arrangements for pastoral care can be made in a timely manner. Contact the parish for hospital visits since federal confidentiality laws limit access to patient information.

Among the gifts of the Anointing of the Sick:

  • The strength, peace and courage to endure the sufferings of illness or of old age in a Christian manner, and to avoid the temptation toward discouragement or anguish in suffering.
  • The uniting of the sick person to the passion of Christ. Suffering becomes a participation in the saving work of Jesus, for one’s own salvation, and for that of the whole Church.

The sacrament focuses on our union with the paschal mystery of Christ. It reminds us that our bodies and our spirits are connected. It is a prayer for the healing of the whole person, because the whole person is helped and saved, sustained by trust in God. This sign of grace promotes wholeness of body and mind and soul and spirit.